The Burlingame FBLA Chapter (both the high school and middle school levels) received the Gold Seal Chapter recognition at the 2024 Kansas FBLA State Conference for the second year in a row. This award is based on actively participating in projects and programs of FBLA showcased by creating the Local Chapter Annual Business Report. This is one of the highest honors at the state conference. This recognition is received by only 12 high school chapters out of 114 and received by only 1 middle school chapters out of 5.
Future Business Leaders of America is a business-student organization at Burlingame! Any student in grades 7-12 are welcome to join. Lots of what we do as a chapter will be done during the school day, other than community service which may be after school!
What does FBLA Do?
Compete at Competitive Events at the District, State, and National Conferences
Travel to Conferences and other business related events
Leadership/Career Building Opportunities
Participate in Community Service Events
Have meetings in seminar 1-2 a month
Why Should I Join?
Apply knowledge learned in business classes
Build business and leadership skills
Compete in various events
Look great on a resume (especially if you are active)
You don’t have to a business student to join
How do I join?
Fill out the membership form
Pay $15 membership dues