Ms. Mary Noll,
Music Teacher
email: noll@usd454.net

Shalene, Cairn Terrier
My name is Mary Noll, and I teach Elementary General Music, High-School Chorus, and Orchestra at Burlingame Schools. I received a Bachelors Degree in Music Education from Washburn University and a Master of Music Degree from the University of Kansas. I also studied Music Therapy through New York University. I am on the Board of the Kansas Youth Chorale.
My belief is that we teach music not because we expect all students to excel as professional performers, but to allow them to experience beauty, work as a team for a desired goal, and to assist them to develop into more joyful and compassionate human beings.
I live in Topeka, KS with my two dogs, Shalene (Cairn Terrier) and Radley (Scottish Terrier). I have been active in dog rescue since 2005. Meet my "furkids".
Shalene is a former puppy mill rescue dog. She is five years old. I adopted her in August, 2022.
Radley is a two-year old boy whom I adopted as a little puppy in February, 2022.
'' In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." ------Paul McCartney

Radley, Scottish Terrier

Elementary Students Learning to Play the Recorder.

Orchestra Performing Holiday Music For Aldersgate Residents.

High-School Students Visit Emporia State University for "Future Music Student Day."

Some captured orchestra students intent on their performance for the high-school graduation.

Celebration for a successful performing year

Elementary Orchestra--look what we can do.